KA Innovate Event 3

  More than 90% of startups fail in the first year. Even the fail rate is high for startups incubated in Silicon Valley. The reason? Getting the mechanics of startups right from the first shot. This includes  [1] coming up with a proper business problem, [2] understanding the market (the customers), [...]

By |2020-09-07T18:39:29+09:00June 20th, 2020|KA Innovate|0 Comments

Employment Opportunity – Professional Network and Career Development Coordinator (Tokyo)

As Kakehashi Africa builds a stronger relationship with the Ashinaga Foundation, they have afforded another job opportunity for members within our network. If you are interested and would like to work in Japan for an annual salary of ¥4m, please follow the link below: PND HQ Job Listing

By |2020-06-19T04:54:45+09:00June 19th, 2020|KA News, Opportunities|0 Comments

KA Innovate Series Event 2 – Technology Transfer from Japan to Africa: Starting with Robotics

Are we ready for the 4th Industrial Revolution?  What part will robotics and automation play, especially in Africa?  Who better to learn from than Dr. Aiman Omer. Dr Aiman is a Robotics scientist and entrepreneur in Tokyo, Japan.  Originally from Sudan, Dr Aiman has been at Waseda University for the last 13 years and wants [...]

By |2020-06-20T19:11:41+09:00June 11th, 2020|KA News, Opportunities|0 Comments

Jonpaul Opara – Thank you Japan

Jonpaul Opara, the current Japan Region Coordinator for Kakehashi Africa, sends a heartfelt thank you to Japan for their assistance and guidance through the recent restrictions in Japan, even  though around the world the Corona-19 pandemic is still affecting the daily lives of many, especially in Africa. Japan has had success with the Corona virus [...]

By |2020-06-10T20:55:47+09:00June 10th, 2020|Free Discussions|0 Comments

Employment Opportunity – Graduate Alumni Coordinator (Tokyo)

  Interested in working with Ashinaga's growing body of graduates and alumni? Ashinaga supports high achieving students from across the African continent with access to undergraduate education in Japan, the UK, the USA, France and Brazil. We also help all Ashinaga students with professional and leadership development opportunities so they can have the greatest #impact when they [...]

By |2020-06-10T20:11:00+09:00June 10th, 2020|KA News, Opportunities|0 Comments

WEBINAR REPORT (Summary) – Fueling Innovation in Africa: Startup Opportunities and Challenges Beyond COVID-19

WEBINAR REPORT (Summary) – Fueling Innovation in Africa: Startup Opportunities and Challenges Beyond COVID-19 With the launch of the KA Innovate Series on the 6th June 2020.  Kakehashi Africa members enjoyed an informative webinar.  Gaining insight from experienced speakers who are willing to teach and assist Kakehashi Members. Follow the link to access the summarized [...]

By |2020-06-09T22:13:01+09:00June 9th, 2020|KA News|0 Comments

WEBINAR REPORT – Fueling Innovation in Africa: Startup Opportunities and Challenges Beyond COVID-19

With the launch of the KA Innovate Series on the 6th June 2020.  Kakehashi Africa members enjoyed an informative webinar.  Gaining insight from experienced speakers who are willing to teach and assist Kakehashi Members. Follow the link to access the summarized report on this event. Webinar Report

By |2020-06-09T21:01:53+09:00June 9th, 2020|KA News|0 Comments